Substance Abuse Treatment In Winston-Salem, NC

If you have a substance abuse problem, Brian Carty, MD, MSPH, of the Carty Addiction and Internal Medicine Clinic in Winston-Salem, North Carolina can help.

We offer Medication-Assisted Treatment that helps you beat addiction and stay sober.

Dr. Carty is an addiction specialist who helps many people recover successfully from substance abuse.

Substance use disorder is experienced by millions of adults each year. You are not alone and help is just a phone call away.

So reach out to us today or book an appointment online.

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How Carty Treats Substance Abuse In Winston-Salem

The most effective form of substance abuse treatment is a combination of talk therapy and medication.

At Carty Addiction, we employ the use of Medication-Assisted Treatment to help our patients overcome substance addiction.

This means we use medications that help subside the effects of withdrawal and cravings as you break free of addiciton.

Whether it is alcohol, opioids, stimulants, or tobacco, our team will guide you through the recovery process seamlessly.

What Medications Are Used To Treat Substance Abuse?

The treatment for each type of disorder varies depending on the patient and the abused substance.

For example, the Carty Addiction and Internal Medicine Clinic’s medication-assisted treatment (MAT) program for opioid addiction uses the drug Suboxone to help wean patients from opioids, prevent withdrawal symptoms, cravings and relapse.

Counseling and behavior therapies are helpful for many patients. For some substance abuse disorders, there are medications that help with substance cessation and prevention of relapse.

Examples are buprenorphine for opioids, naltrexone for alcohol, bupropion, and varenicline for tobacco.

Treatment is tailored to the individual patient, since you may respond better to some therapies and less well to others. Coexisting medical and psychiatric problems are also diagnosed and treated to improve your well being.

If you’re contemplating taking action to rid yourself of a substance abuse problem, call the clinic today, or book an appointment online.

What Types Of Substance Abuse Does Carty Treat?

At Carty Addiction, we are experienced in treating all types of substance abuse, including but not limited to:

  • Alcohol
  • Hallucinogens
  • Inhalants
  • Opioids
  • Sedatives, hypnotics, or anxiolytics
  • Stimulants
  • Tobacco

Although the main types of substance abuse issues Carty generally treats are alcohol and opioid-related, we have the ability to help you get – and stay – sober for the long run.

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FAQs About Substance Abuse Treatment

What Is Substance Abuse?

Substance abuse occurs when you take a drug or other product, prescribed or recreational, for euphoria or to treat pain or another problem.

If taken regularly, a number of drugs and other substances can then cause dependence, cravings and withdrawal symptoms when the drug is stopped and decreased social, family, and work function.

Regular substance use can lead to serious medical problems, family breakups, job loss, homelessness, and criminal behavior.

There is a genetic predisposition to addiction. Children of parents with addiction are more likely to have substance use disorders, and patients with one substance use disorder are more likely to have problems with other addictive substances.

At the Carty Addiction and Internal Medicine Clinic, the main types of substance abuse problems encountered are opioid addiction and alcohol abuse, but the clinic has expertise in treating all forms of substance abuse.

How Do I Recover From a Substance Abuse Disorder?

The key factor in recovery from a substance abuse disorder is to want to overcome your problem.

Although you’re aware of the harm you’re doing to yourself by continuing harmful substance use, some patients may not have reached the stage of commitment to quitting.

If you find yourself in this position, talking about your situation in the safe, supportive environment of the Carty Addiction and Internal Medicine Clinic may help you move on to the next stage.

For patients who are not ready to commit to stopping substance use and beginning treatment, there may be risk-reducing strategies to adopt until the stage of commitment is reached.

Examples would be, for patients who continue to inject drugs, hepatitis B and A vaccination, preexposure HIV prophylaxis for patients who share needles, naloxone prescriptions for patients, and friends to use in case of an opioid overdose, among other approaches.

The path to recovery from substance abuse isn’t always straightforward, and relapses can occur, but a comprehensive treatment plan and support network can dramatically improve lives when people are free of substance abuse.

What is Considered The Most Effective Treatment For Substance Abuse?

The most effective treatment for substance abuse often involves a combination of talk therapy and medication, known as Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT). Carty is proud to offer this comprehensive approach, as it addresses both the psychological and physiological aspects of addiction, increasing the chances of successful recovery.

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